Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Mitchell's Angels getting ready to leave for Phoenix, AZ. There are 49 girls plus Tracy going to run a 1/2 or full marathon with Team in Training and our group raised over $200,000. Janna, me & Meredyth

Brandi, me & Traci

The Expo where we got our information packet.
Tracy, Renee, me & Melissa

Susan & Shari on their way to the Pasta Party!

Beth, Stephanie & Becky

Janna, me & Meredyth

Tracy Whitaker (Mitchell's mom) & me

We had to check out the cactus!

These signs were on our hotel door the night before our race!

Mitchell's Angels...
We had to get up very early so we could get a group picture at 6:15 before the marathon!

Me & my friend and training partner Janna

The Marathon girls...
Brandi & Meredyth
(you ROCK)
Meredyth, Susan & Traci

Victory Celebration at the Sheraton Phoenix Ballroom...
We had dinner and then dancing. It was hard to believe that we could even move, I guess if we got up and danced we wouldn't be as sore the next day!
Brandi, me & Meredyth

Shari, John ( Tracy's husband), Lisa & Marsha

Melissa, Susan & me

Downtown Phoenix, what a view!

look what I found?

We saw these cactus on our walk on the
last day that we were there.

Here I am with my medal! My time that I ran the 1/2 marathon
was 3 hours and 2 minutes! This was such a wonderful journey, crossing the
finish line was a amazing feeling! Tracy was at the end waiting for each one of
the Mitchell's Angels! Thanks again for your support, prayers, encouragement and
donations! I had a throw away camera at the end of my run and took picture and hope
to figure out how to put them on my blog.